Hello dear travelers -
Or non-travelers, at the moment. What a wild few weeks it’s been. Back in February, when this virus that’s invaded all our lives started to spread in Italy, I encouraged you to visit anyway. I was worried about the country’s fragile economy and the small businesses I love, and we didn’t yet know the severity of the situation.
The CDC said they did “not recommend cancelling or postponing travel to Italy,” and the State Department had the country at Level 1. I was trying to follow their advice and not give into hysteria. In hindsight that was wrong. One of the great gifts of being human is the ability to learn to read and reason. As more information became available, it became obvious that we should not be traveling at all, even around our own neighborhoods.
Most of you have probably seen this, but if not the simulation below is useful in understanding the importance of social distancing. “If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May. That is math, not prophecy.”
This composite image shows the effect of individual actions. In Lombardy, about 40% of the population is still going out at least once a day (click through her Instagram stories for an explainer of this image).
I know we all need to go to the store, walk our dogs, and get fresh air. But please, please try to limit your time out of the house. Those of us in cities and apartments without yards will struggle. (Reallly wishing I would have headed to my parents’ house in Wisconsin before this all started…) But the sooner we all stay home the sooner we can move on with life and travel again.
When we do, I hope you’ll still visit Italy and other places that rely on tourism, and follow the advice from that newsletter about how to travel better once you’re there. In the meantime, there’s plenty of armchair travel reading here. And hey, at least the earth is getting a break and the Venice canals will be clearer when you do get to go.
Coping With Isolation
I’ve been taking language lessons with Preply, cooking through saved recipes, reading a ton, watching Sex Education, FaceTiming with friends, knitting a blanket, taking Pilates through DailyBurn (they have a 60-day free trial!), having dance parties and at-home date nights, and working on long-term writing projects.
I’ve also been thinking/fuming/hoping after seeing so many rules change so quickly–maybe now we’ll realize basic human rights are necessary and possible for the entire population?? (And we all knew that TSA rule was BS). What have you been doing to cope?
For the Freelancers
If you write about travel and restaurants, it’s hard to know whether or not to pitch. Some places–Thrillist, Statesider, Fodor’s for starters–are accepting pitches. I’ve heard from people that they’ve gotten hard ‘nos’ from other publications, because no one can say where/when it will be safe to travel again. I’m working on essays and evergreen pitches. And that freelancing newsletter! Coming soon(er now than before). Are you pitching? I’d love to know.
The Most Overused Words In Travel Writing
To avoid when we can write about travel again. Good to keep in mind even if you only write about it on your Insta.
The statues are iconic.
The sunset was stunning.
Discover the real Rome.
Twisting alleyways
Hidden gem
Off the beaten path
Land of contrasts
The next…As in, “Montenegro is the next Croatia,” or something equally ridiculous.
Best kept secret–Especially if it is on numerous other lists or not a secret at all to anyone who lives there.
See them all here and add your own.
UNESCO update
Last week I argued that not all World Heritage Sites are created equal. My youngest brother had this to say:
“My first thought about tiered world heritage sites is that it would disproportionately benefit the sites in countries that already have a large share of tourism profits. I think a lot of people would start to try to see all of the tier 1 sites and kind of ignore the lower tiers. Kind of how a lot of people want to see all the national parks and ignore national wilderness areas or national monuments, even though they’re all part of the park system.”
That’s a great point. Countries are already lobbying for UNESCO sites as a tourism incentive. One worry I have is that places with sites that wouldn’t normally make the list will succeed in lobbying and diminish the value of others. There’s a lot to consider. I’d love to keep hearing your thoughts.
Links I Love
How to Support Restaurants and Their Workers Right Now. Please read! Chefs, servers, dishwashers, bartenders, and all the other people who make restaurants run are some of the hardest working people out there. This was my life for 10+ years and the reason I was able to pay for college or start freelancing. Now, I write about these places for a living. The industry is so dear to me and so many others we all know. It’s a great time to buy a t-shirt, stock up on gift cards, donate to a non-profit or call your reps.
Fries, Wine, and Marijuana–What Counts as “Essential” During Lockdown In Europe
The Basically Guide to Better Baking
Cornbread, now. More than ever.
The Death of a City: Elegy for Sarajevo (I’ve been reading archived war reporting for some reason)
How Americans Pretend to Love Ethnic Food (Old, but seems relevant as Chinese restaurants sales drop)
Farrah Berrou on Wine In Lebanon
Convincing the Boomer Parents to Take the Coronavirus Seriously (It’s not scientific, but every friend I FaceTimed with this week had a frustrating parent story to share).
Thanks for All the Fish: A Wild Salmon Story
Drink: Cold brew coffee and Lebanese wine are getting me through.
Read: I’m going back to college and re-reading The Elements of Style and Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process. Also Destiny Disrupted, The Twilight War, Out of the Mountains, and Instant City.
Learn: I did a Middle East Q&A on Instagram the other day and can answer more questions anytime. If you’re worried about the stock market, follow my friend Tess Wicks for education and peace of mind. Finally, Gillian McGuire has done a great job of compiling concerts, virtual museum experiences and other ways to take in culture while at home.
Watch: These videos of Italians singing each night and photos of #ItalyFromMyWindow are giving me life. Also the penguins at Shedd.
Go: To the grocery store and back and nowhere else!